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The Door To Savanna
The Door To Savanna
Location type: Memorable Location
Icon: Region Woodland Icon
Biome: Woodland

The Door To Savanna is a memorable location landmark in the Region Woodland Icon Woodland biome.

Overview[ | ]

Two rocky boulders not quite meeting at the top form the cinematic border arch: Behind this line, Region Savanna Icon Savanna!

Not that travel changes much in these few steps. But it is a good navigation point to find your way from the Region Woodland Icon Woodlands to the Savanna.

Images[ | ]

The Door To Savanna - Nighttime

Animals[ | ]

Enemy Buffalo African Buffalos roam the nearby area. It is unclear if they wander into this location or if they spawn here. Be vigilant for these large animals!

Items[ | ]

Consumables[ | ]

Items of Interest[ | ]
