Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Wiki
Taami Berry Bush
Taami Berry Bush 2
Item type: Plant
Location(s): Jungle
Alterable: Yes
Consumable: No
Source of Taami Berry

Description[ | ]

The Taami Berry Bush is a small bush where you can find small red berry clusters that can be collected for food.

Taami Berry Bush

Uses[ | ]

The Taami Berry Bush can be Grab ico grabbed forSenseIcon TaamiTaami Berry.

Taami berries will reduce Hunger ico hunger and a very small amount of Thirst ico thirst when Eat ico eaten. Berries have a ripeness that can be inspected prior to picking them up, the more reddish/pink a berry is, the safer it is to eat. Eating unripe berries can result in Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning.
