Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Wiki
Sharpened Stick
Sharpened Stick
Latin name: Acuere lignum
Item type: Tool
Obtained: Hitting
Location(s): Dead Branch
Alterable: No
Consumable: No
Force Multiplier


The Sharpened Stick is a tool item and weapon.

How to create[]

The SenseIcon SharpStickSharpened Stick is created by Hit ico 128 hitting aMindIcon StickStick with most rocks or hard tools. It is also possible to directly create a Sharpened Stick by Hit ico 128 hitting a MindIcon DeadBranchDead Branch with most rocks or hard tools, although this will take additional swings.

The slowest way to create a Sharpened Stick is by using a MindIcon GraniteRockGranite Rock, however the fastest way is to use a MindIcon BasaltChopperBasalt Chopper.

How to use[]

The Sharpened Stick can be used to obtain SenseIcon BassBass orSenseIcon CrayfishCrayfish by Poke ico 128spearfishing a SenseIcon FishingSpotFishing Spot.

The Sharpened Stick can be used to obtain SenseIcon SnailGiant African Snails orSenseIcon ScorpionScorpions by Poke ico 128poking a SenseIcon HoleToPokeHole To Poke.

The Sharpened Stick can also be used for Lift ico 128lifting a MindIcon LiftableRockLiftable Rock.

The Sharpened Stick can kill animals but breaks after use. The Sharpened Stick either gets stuck in the animal or breaks into pieces so a single Sharpened Stick will likely not be enough if you plan on taking down an apex predator.
