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Latin name: Ruber
Item type: Tool
Precious Stone
Obtained: Grabbing
Alterable: No
Consumable: No
Force multiplier and evolutionary bonus

Precious Stone - Ruby (Ruber)


The Ruby is a red crystal rock that is a tool, weapon, and precious stone.

How to obtain

TheMindIcon PowerstoneRuby can be Grab ico grabbed from the ground.


Finding and investigating the Ruby will unlock one of the Spiritual Inception Evolution Feats. Evolving after finding the Ruby will add thirty-nine thousand years to the game's timeline.


  • The Ruby has the same uses as any other rock or blunt tool.
  • The Ruby can be used to Butcher ico 128butcher animals.
  • Give ico 84 Giving a Ruby to an unrelated clan member of the opposite sex will instantly create a bond between the two.
  • Holding a Ruby will confer Fear shield Fear Protection. Setting down the Ruby stops this buff but picking the Ruby back up will immediately start the protection again. However, this isn't an unlimited buff. Eventually the specific Ruby will run out of buff and a new one will have to be found to get the buff protection again.


In the game, there are multiple locations where you can find the Ruby.

  • There is one on the top of the mountain peak behind Canyon Entrance Oasis. Was quite a climb. Go up until it doesn't go further.
  • One can be found at the top of The Beach Tower.
  • The peak of the stone formation at Rock Arrow Oasis. Be cautious as a Enemy Eagle Bateleur Eagle will come in a for an attack once reaching the top.
  • Near The Buffalo's Basin Oasis is another waterhole. On a boulder there.
  • Just past the Two Trunks Lagoon Oasis in Region Savanna Icon Savanna, along the cliff wall there is a small cave that contains a ruby.
Ruby - Rock Arrow Oasis

Rock Arrow Oasis

File:Ancestors Screenshot - All Buffs holding a Ruby.png

Holding a Ruby
