Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Wiki

Als Medizin oder Arzneimittel werden sämtliche Mittel betrachtet, welche zur Heilung von Leiden und zur Abwehr von Schaden verwendet werden.

Im Spiel Ancestors – The Humankind Odyssey werden die Hominden unvermeidlich von allen Arten von Leiden heimgesucht. Jedes Leid kommt mit einem eigenen negative Statuseffekt daher. Dieser senkt mit der Zeit die Lebenserwartung. Auch wenn alle Leiden außer Blutungen mit der Zeit von selbst heilen, lohnt es sich diese Leiden durch die Anwendung von Arzneimitteln zu kurieren.

Negative Statuseffekte[ | ]

Hunger ico Hunger, Thirst ico Durst und Sleepiness ico Schlafmangel sind ebenfalls negative Statuseffekte. Dieser müssen durch Eat ico Essen, Drink ico Trinken und MindIcon SleepSpot Schlafen behoben werden.

Schutz[ | ]

Wenn ein Arzneimittel zu einer Zeit angewendet wird, wo ein Hominide nicht von dem negativen Statuseffekt betroffen ist, wird der entsprechende Schutzeffekt gewährt. Dermaßen gewappnet können Handlungen, die normalerweise Schaden zufügen würden, ohne Schaden ertragen werden. Der Schutz verringert sich jeweils um den Schaden, den er abgewehrt hat. Der Schutz verringert sich mit der Zeit von selbst, d.h. die "Schutz-Menge" baut sich ab.

Es gibt keinen Schutzeffekt gegen Non-Omnivore minor ico Non-Omnivore major ico Non-Omnivore. Dies kann nur durch das Erlernen der jeweiligen Neuronen im Ast Allesfresser vermieden werden.

Mechanik[ | ]

Ein Mittel wird entweder Eat ico gegessen oder Drink ico getrunken oder auftragen.

  • wenn ein Mittel auf unterschiedliche Arten angewandt werden kann, so weden sich die unterschiedlichen Anwendungen auch gegen unterschiedliche Leiden; wird z.B. SenseIcon HoneyHonig aufgetragen, wirkt er gegen Bleed minor icoBleed major ico Blutungen, wird er jedoch gegessen, wirkt er gegen Venom Poisoning minor icoVenom Poisoning major ico Schlangenbisse.
  • einige Mittel haben multiple medizinische Eigenschaften. das Auftragen von SenseIcon AloeSap grind Aloe Sap Paste hilft gegen Bleed minor icoBleed major ico Blutungen und gleichzeitig gegen Heat minor icoHeat major ico Hitze
  • einige Mittel lassen sich mittels Grind ico 128 Mahlen weiterverarbeiten. Die so gewonnene Paste ist wesentlich stärker als das Ausgangsprodukt.
  • Mittel wirken grundsätzlich: das Essen von SenseIcon BlueRoundheadFungusPaste grindBlue Roundhead Fungus Paste wirkt gegen Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Lebensmittelvergiftung und ruft gleichzeitig Non-Omnivore minor ico Non-Omnivore major ico Non-Omnivore (solange man OM 01 und OM 02 nicht erlernt hat). das Trinken von SenseIcon StagnantWater Stagnant Water Source bewirkt Lebensmittelvergiftung und hilft gegen z.B. Hitze.

Learning specific neurons increases your abilities with medicines. It is possible to make medicines stronger and last longer by learning neurons.

Liste der Arzneimittel[ | ]

Nachfolgend sind alle Mittel aufgeführt, die als Arzneimittel verwendet werden können. Mittel haben mindestens eine aber häufig mehrere medizinische Wirkungen.

Behobene Negative Statuseffekte Gewehrte Positive Statuseffekte
Icon Mittel Anwendung 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
SenseIcon AloeSap Aloe vera Auftragen Bleed minor ico Bleed major ico Heat minor ico Heat major ico Bleed shield Heat shield
SenseIcon AloeSap grind Aloe vera, gemahlen Auftragen Bleed minor ico Bleed major ico Heat minor ico Heat major ico Bleed shield Heat shield
SenseIcon Snail Große Achatschnecke Essen Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Venom Poisoning shield
SenseIcon Honey Honig Auftragen Bleed minor ico Bleed major ico Bleed shield
SenseIcon Honey Honig Essen Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Venom Poisoning shield
SenseIcon Jujube Jujube Essen Injury minor ico Injury major ico Injury shield
SenseIcon KapokFiber Kapokfasern Auftragen Bleed minor ico Bleed major ico Bleed shield
SenseIcon Khat Khat Essen Cold minor ico Cold major ico Injury minor ico Injury major ico Cold shield Injury shield
SenseIcon Khat grind Khat, gemahlen Essen Cold minor ico Cold major ico Injury minor ico Injury major ico Cold shield Injury shield
SenseIcon Coco cracked Kokosnuss, geknackt Trinken Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning shield Venom Poisoning shield
SenseIcon Coconut pierced Kokosnuss, durchgestochen Trinken Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning shield Venom Poisoning shield
SenseIcon Coconut opened Kokosnuss, geöffnet Essen Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning shield Venom Poisoning shield
SenseIcon AfricanTurmeric Kurkuma Essen Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Venom Poisoning shield
SenseIcon AfricanTurmeric grind Kurkuma, gemahlen Essen Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Venom Poisoning shield
SenseIcon AfricanAgaricFungus Pilz, Fliegenpilz Essen Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning shield
SenseIcon AfricanEntomopathogenicFungus Pilz, Entomopathogenisch Essen Injury minor ico Injury major ico Injury shield
SenseIcon EntomopathogenicFungusPaste grind Pilz, Entomopathogenisch, Paste Essen Injury minor ico Injury major ico Injury shield
SenseIcon AfricanBlueRoundheadFungus Pilz, Grünblauer Träuschling Essen Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning shield
SenseIcon BlueRoundheadFungusPaste grind Pilz, Grünblauer Träuschling, Paste Essen Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning shield
SenseIcon Mud Mud Auftragen Bleed minor ico Bleed major ico Heat minor ico Heat major ico Bleed shield Camouflage shield Heat shield
SenseIcon Horsetail Schachtelhalm Essen Injury minor ico Injury major ico Injury shield
SenseIcon HorsetailLeaves Schachtelhalm, Blätter Auftragen Bleed minor ico Bleed major ico Bleed shield
SenseIcon HorsetailPaste grind Schachtelhalm, gemahlen Auftragen Bleed minor ico Bleed major ico Bleed shield
SenseIcon Kelp Seetang Essen Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Food Poisoning shield
SenseIcon Tumbo Tumbosamen Essen Injury minor ico Injury major ico Injury shield
SenseIcon FreshWater Wasser, frisch schöpfen Food Poisoning minor ico Food Poisoning major ico Heat minor ico Heat major ico Non-Omnivore minor ico Non-Omnivore major ico Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Heat shield
SenseIcon SaltWater Wasser, salzig schöpfen Heat minor ico Heat major ico Non-Omnivore minor ico Non-Omnivore major ico Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Heat shield
SenseIcon StagnantWater Water, stehend schöpfen Heat minor ico Heat major ico Non-Omnivore minor ico Non-Omnivore major ico Venom Poisoning minor ico Venom Poisoning major ico Heat shield

Neuronen[ | ]

Die folgenden Neuronen beeinflussen die Wirkung von Arzneimitteln:

Bild Neuron Neuronaler Ast Mutation? Beschreibung
Preventive Medication - Analgesia - SI 01 Analgesia (SI 01) Preventive Medication No The protection against injuries lasts longer.
Preventive Medication - Bleeding Resistance - SB 04 Bleeding Resistance (SB 04) Preventive Medication No One item with clotting properties is now enough to get full protection against haemorrhages.
Preventive Medication - Bleeding Resistance - SB 05 Bleeding Resistance (SB 05) Preventive Medication No The protection against hemorrhages lasts longer.
Therapeutic Medication - Detoxification Efficiency - CT 08 Detoxification Efficiency (CT 08) Therapeutic Medication No One curative element is now enough to cure all forms of intoxication.
Preventive Medication - Endorphins Efficiency - BB SI 01 Endorphins Efficiency (BB SI 01) Preventive Medication Yes Having a full protection against injuries requires fewer items with mending properties.
Preventive Medication - Endorphins Efficiency - BB SI 02 Endorphins Efficiency (BB SI 02) Preventive Medication Yes Having a full protection against injuries requires fewer items with mending properties.
Preventive Medication - External Clotting Efficiency - SB 02 External Clotting Efficiency (SB 02) Preventive Medication No The protection against haemorrhages lasts longer.
Preventive Medication - External Clotting Efficiency - SB 03 External Clotting Efficiency (SB 03) Preventive Medication No The duration of a full protection against haemorrhages is maximized.
Preventive Medication - Food Poisoning Resistance - ST 10 Food Poisoning Resistance (ST 10) Preventive Medication No One item with curative properties is now enough to get full protection against food poisonings.
Preventive Medication - Food Poisoning Tolerance - ST 07 Food Poisoning Tolerance (ST 07) Preventive Medication No The protection against food poisonings lasts longer.
Preventive Medication - Food Poisoning Tolerance - ST 08 Food Poisoning Tolerance (ST 08) Preventive Medication No The protection against food poisonings lasts longer.
Preventive Medication - Food Poisoning Tolerance - ST 09 Food Poisoning Tolerance (ST 09) Preventive Medication No The duration of the food poisonings' protection is maximized.
Therapeutic Medication - Hydration-Detoxification Efficiency - BB CT 01 Hydration-Detoxification Efficiency (BB CT 01) Therapeutic Medication Yes Water consumption reduces the duration of intoxication more effectively.
Therapeutic Medication - Hydration-Detoxification Efficiency - BB CT 02 Hydration-Detoxification Efficiency (BB CT 02) Therapeutic Medication Yes Water consumption reduces the duration of intoxication more effectively.
Therapeutic Medication - Hydration-Detoxification Efficiency - BB CT 03 Hydration-Detoxification Efficiency (BB CT 03) Therapeutic Medication Yes Water consumption reduces the duration of intoxication more effectively.
Preventive Medication - Laceration Prevention - SB 01 Laceration Prevention (SB 01) Preventive Medication No The protection against hemorrhages lasts longer.
Therapeutic Medication - Nociceptors Tolerance - BB CI 01 Nociceptors Tolerance (BB CI 01) Therapeutic Medication Yes The elements used to fight the effects of an injury are more effective.
Therapeutic Medication - Nociceptors Tolerance - BB CI 02 Nociceptors Tolerance (BB CI 02) Therapeutic Medication Yes The elements used to fight the effects of an injury are more effective.
Therapeutic Medication - Nociceptors Tolerance - BB CI 03 Nociceptors Tolerance (BB CI 03) Therapeutic Medication Yes The elements used to fight the effects of an injury are more effective.
Metabolism - Prophylactic Ability - ME 01 Prophylactic Ability (ME 01) Metabolism No The shield duration against all poisonings and injuries is longer.
Preventive Medication - Toxin Immunity - ST 01 Toxin Immunity (ST 01) Preventive Medication No The protection against intoxication is longer.
Preventive Medication - Trauma Prevention - SI 02 Trauma Prevention (SI 02) Preventive Medication No The protection against injuries lasts longer.
Preventive Medication - Trauma Prevention - SI 03 Trauma Prevention (SI 03) Preventive Medication No The protection against injuries lasts longer.
Preventive Medication - Trauma Prevention - SI 04 Trauma Prevention (SI 04) Preventive Medication No The duration of a protection against injuries is maximized.
Therapeutic Medication - Trauma Relief Efficiency - CI 05 Trauma Relief Efficiency (CI 05) Therapeutic Medication No One item with mending properties is now enough to fully recover from an injury.
Preventive Medication - Trauma Resistance - SI 05 Trauma Resistance (SI 05) Preventive Medication No One item with mending properties is now enough for a full protection against injuries.
Preventive Medication - Venom Resistance - ST 05 Venom Resistance (ST 05) Preventive Medication No One item with curative properties is now enough for a full venom protection.
Preventive Medication - Venom Tolerance - ST 02 Venom Tolerance (ST 02) Preventive Medication No The protection against venom poisoning is longer.
Preventive Medication - Venom Tolerance - ST 03 Venom Tolerance (ST 03) Preventive Medication No The protection against venom poisoning is longer.
Preventive Medication - Venom Tolerance - ST 04 Venom Tolerance (ST 04) Preventive Medication No The protection against venom poisoning is maximized.
Preventive Medication - Vitamin K Efficiency - BB SB 01 Vitamin K Efficiency (BB SB 01) Preventive Medication Yes Getting a full protection against hemorrhages requires fewer items with clotting properties.
Preventive Medication - Vitamin K Efficiency - BB SB 02 Vitamin K Efficiency (BB SB 02) Preventive Medication Yes Getting a full protection against hemorrhages requires fewer items with clotting properties.
Therapeutic Medication - Xenobiotic Metabolism - BB CT 04 Xenobiotic Metabolism (BB CT 04) Therapeutic Medication Yes The elements used to fight venom poisonings are more effective.
Therapeutic Medication - Xenobiotic Metabolism - BB CT 05 Xenobiotic Metabolism (BB CT 05) Therapeutic Medication Yes The elements used to fight food poisonings are more effective.
Omnivore - Xenobiotic Metabolism - BB OM 01 Xenobiotic Metabolism (BB OM 01) Omnivore Yes The elements used to eliminate food poisoning are more effective.
Omnivore - Xenobiotic Metabolism - BB OM 02 Xenobiotic Metabolism (BB OM 02) Omnivore Yes The elements used to fight food poisonings are more effective.
Preventive Medication - Xenobiotic Metabolism - BB ST 03 Xenobiotic Metabolism (BB ST 03) Preventive Medication Yes Getting a full protection against venom poisonnings required fewer items with curative properties.
Preventive Medication - Xenobiotic Metabolism - BB ST 04 Xenobiotic Metabolism (BB ST 04) Preventive Medication Yes Getting a full protection against food poisoning requires fewer items with curative properties.
Preventive Medication - Xenobiotic Resistance - BB ST 01 Xenobiotic Resistance (BB ST 01) Preventive Medication Yes Getting a full protection against venom poisonnings required fewer items with curative properties.
Preventive Medication - Xenobiotic Resistance - BB ST 02 Xenobiotic Resistance (BB ST 02) Preventive Medication Yes Getting a full protection against food poisoning requires fewer items with curative properties.