Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Wiki
Give ico 84

In-game icon

Give or Giving is an action performed by pressing the appropriate button when available.

Items can be given to other hominids. This allows you to give helpful items like weapons or food or medicinal substances to heal/protect other hominids.

This action also allows you to make sure your clan members have needed items without you having to switch to them to actually play them and pick up the items for that hominid.

Mechanics[ | ]

After you have given an item to another hominid, as long as they haven't eaten it or caused it to disappear from the game, it is possible to perform the Give ico 84 Take Item action to get the item back. For example - you give a hominid in your clan a MindIcon DeadBranchDead Branch, you can take that Dead Branch back.

It is also possible to perform the Give ico 84 Trade Items action with another hominid. If you have an item, you can switch items with the other Hominid.
