Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Wiki
Fishing Spot
Fishing Spot
Latin name: Locus ad piscandum
Item type: Gathering Spot
Location(s): Water sources
Alterable: Yes
Consumable: No
Source of Bass and Crayfish

Description[ | ]

The Fishing Spot is a gathering spot item.

Where to find[ | ]

Fishing spots can be found in many areas with water that has some depth to it.

Uses[ | ]

Poke ico 128Spearfishing into a SenseIcon FishingSpotFishing Spot, it is possible to obtain SenseIcon BassBass orSenseIcon CrayfishCrayfish.

You will need either aMindIcon StickStick or aSenseIcon SharpStickSharpened Stick for the action to be available.

Once successful, Strip ico 128 strip the tool with an empty hand to remove the caught creature.
