Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Wiki
African Buffalo Carcass
African Buffalo Carcass
Latin name: Syncerus caffer cadaver
Item type: Gathering Spot
Obtained: African Buffalo
Alterable: Yes
Consumable: No
Source of Mammal Meat and Hard Bone

Description[ | ]

The African Buffalo Carcass is a gathering spot item.

How to create[ | ]

The Enemy Buffalo carcass African Buffalo Carcass can be created by your hominid or another animal killing an Enemy Buffalo African Buffalo.

How to use[ | ]

  • Butcher ico 128Butchering an African Buffalo Carcass will create SenseIcon Carcass Mammal Meat and SenseIcon HardBoneHard Bone. The carcass can be butchered three times. To butcher a carcass more than once, all the items dropped from the previous butchering must be picked up.
